North Sea Region Programme Papers

The Programme publishes a series of e-publications with relevance for the North Sea Region titled "North Sea Region Programme Papers". The papers are registered under the ISSN 1904-4704.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 1
Sustainable Innovation Concepts in the North Sea Region - Proceedings of the thematic seminars
Annual Conference 2009, Egmond aan Zee/The Netherlands
In this booklet you will find summaries of the four workshop sessions and a collection of the papers submitted to the Secretariat in response to the Call for Papers prior to the Annual Conference 2009.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 2
Transport Magazine
A collection of articles related to transport issues with relevance for the North Sea region, made by the North Sea Region Programme 2011-2012, with contributions from projects and external sources.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 3
Institutional Capacity and Administrative Performance (1) - Sub theme: Financial Management and Control Set-up (Interim Report)
The evaluation on financial management and control set up covers issues such as financial administrative procedures, control mechanisms and procedures performed on the basis of audit reports and related aspects of financial management.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 4
Institutional Capacity and Administrative Performance (1) - Sub theme: Programme Structures (Final Report)
The evaluation on Programme structures covers issues like committee structures, performance of functions related to organisational and management structures of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS), Monitoring Committee (MC), Steering Committee (SC, National Contact Points (NCPs) and Managing and Paying Authority.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 5
Added Value (2) - Sub theme: Programme Impact and Coverage (Interim Report)
The evaluation on Programme impact and coverage is focused on specific themes and cross-cutting issues such as the implementation of the SWOT analysis of the Programme, the themes of the Programme and involvement of the private sector.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 6
Added Value (2) Transnational Cooperation: Added Value on Project and Cluster level
The evaluation on Transnational Cooperation is focused on creating a strong environment for genuine transnational cooperation.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 7
Institutional Capacity and Performance (3): Applications Procedure and Project Development
The evaluation on Applications Procedure and Project Development is focused on applications procedure of the Programme.  

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 8
Publicity and Communications (1): Programme and Project Cooperation in Communications and Programme Visibility. Both sub-themes are dealt with in one report as they are closely linked to one another in terms of content.
The evaluation on Programme Cooperation in Communications and Programme Visibility is focused on the strategic value of communication and its relevance as a business development tool.  

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 9
Added Value (1): Programme Impact and Coverage (Private and Public Partner Integration) (Final Report)
The evaluation on Programme Impact and Coverage is focused on private and public partner integration.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 10
Added Value (1): Programme Impact and Coverage (External Project Management) (Final Report)
The evaluation on Programme Impact and Coverage is focused on project management of the projects.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 11
Added Value (3) – Sub-theme: Legacy (Final Report)
The evaluation on Legacy is focused on project results and the project's abilities to create legacy for the future. 

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 12
Executive Summary
The Executive Summary is focused on the different thematic evaluation reports and to recapitulate the key recommendations and results of the entire on-going evaluation of the Interreg IVB North Sea Region  

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 13
Institutional Capacity and Administrative Performance (1) - Sub theme: Financial Management and Control Set-up (Final Report)

The final report on financial management and control setup is based on the Interim Report, which was published in September 2012. On the basis of the Annual Control Report 2013, adaptions made by the programme during the programme implementation in the period 2007-2013 can be identified in the field of financial management and control setup. Within this report, the correspondence of these adaptions with the recommendations of the on-going evaluation is verified.

Additionally, it is assessed how recommendations of the on-going evaluation influenced the implementation of the new programme in this field. Therefore, relevant information regarding financial management and control set up from the Cooperation Programme of the North Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 as well as from the new programme website was analysed.

North Sea Region Programme Papers No. 14
Strategic Orientation Report
Working paper for the next programme period. 

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09 July 2015